Subtraction 1
Audio Learning CD

Subtraction 1 Audio Learning CD
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Help Your Child to Learn to Subtract

Do you want your child to learn how to subtract? Here's a simple subtraction CD that focuses on beginners.

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Plays in Your Car

This audio CD is designed to be played in a boombox or a car CD player. Anywhere you can play a regular music CD, you can play this subtraction audio learning CD.

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Simple Subtraction Only

How simple is this CD? No number larger than 12 is used.

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Sample Subtraction Pairs

You'll hear 9 minus 6 equals 3, 11 minus 3 equals 8, and 2 minus 1 equals 1.

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Nothing Greater Than Twelve

Notice that no matter what side of the equals sign it appears on, the number is always 12 or less.

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Simple Learning Strategy

The learning strategy behind this CD is simple:

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The Learning Strategy

The things you hear over and over again are likely to stay with you for the rest of your life. On this CD, you hear subtraction pairs over and over again until you can do them in your head.

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Starts at a Basic Level

Subtraction could not be simpler or start at a more basic level. This CD covers minus-one subtraction and minus-zero subtraction extensively.

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Start Simple and Build

The theory? If you can learn to do simple subtraction problems, you will later move on to harder ones.

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Is it Hard?

What's considered a hard problem on this CD?

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The Difference Between Easy and Hard

One of the simpler subtraction problems is 2 minus 1 equals 1. One of the harder ones is 12 minus 7 equals 5.

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Ninety Unique Subtraction Pairs

This CD has 90 unique subtraction problems total.

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In Random Order

Each subtraction problem comes at you in random order, just like in real life! You never know what's coming next.

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The Rhthym of the Presentation

First, a subtraction problem is given. Second, there is a pause. Third, the subtraction problem is presented again with the answer.

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Consistent Presentation Throughout

This is true for all 90 unique subtraction pairs.

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Subtraction Pairs Repeat 3 Times

Later, each unique subtraction pair repeats itself a second and a third time. How much later? On average, 20 minutes goes by before a subtraction pair --- such as 11 minus 3 equals 8 --- repeats itself again randomly.

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You Give the Answer First

Of course, you are invited to give the answer to the subtraction problem before the voice on the CD does so.

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Know how to Add? You can Subtract.

This CD is designed for children who know nothing about subtraction but are ready to learn. If your child can add numbers easily, your child is ready for subtraction.

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Play While Active

Play this CD while pursuing other activities. Activities can be commonplace like riding in a car or fun like bouncing a ball or skipping rope.

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Learn While Having Fun

Often you learn best when you are fully engaged and having fun.

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Slow Pace Builds Confidence

The pace on this CD is slow to let your child feel in control of it. A key goal of this CD is to convince your child that he can do subtraction.

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Purposefully Redundant

For this reason, this CD is purposefully redundant. Your child is given many opportunities to become convinced that she can subtract.

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The Voice on this CD

I'm Ed Abbott, Web Site Repair Guy. You'll be listening to my voice on this subtraction audio learning CD.

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Questions or comments? Email me at or call me at 207-782-1959. Thanks for looking!

©Edward Abbott, 2007. All rights reserved.